Monday, March 27, 2006

My mouth seems to be on the mend finally, although I still can't open it very wide. Eating is still a little bit dificult, but I'm almost there. I was supposed to work on Saturday, but on Friday I wasn't feeling great so I called and gave them a heads-up. I was still in some pain and I couldn't effectively brush my teeth so I was feeling pretty self-conscious.
On Saturday Scott's friend flew here from Edmonton for the second of our hockey games. I went to the airport with Scott to pick him up and was really excited about eating Harvey's onion rings. The airport is the only place I know in Vancouver to eat Harvey's so it's become a tradition for me. The best treat in the world is Harvey's onion rings dipped in honey. It sounds crazy, but you should try it. I didn't intend to get a burger, but I was really hungry so I ordered a veggie burger since they're so good there. It was too hard to eat though. I tried cutting it into small pieces, but it just wasn't working for me. I had to give it to Scott to eat.
The hockey game was a lot of fun. I was much happier with the end result since the Oilers won this time. It was a pretty important game and it's no fun losing to the Canucks in their territory..the fans aren't nice.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Glad your mouth's feeling better, Marlene.

Last year I had a tooth pulled and an implant put in. There were a few weeks before the implant was placed where I had a gaping hole in my mouth. I remember trying to eat a burger before it had healed over - I can feel your frustration!