Wednesday, May 31, 2006

My shifts have increased at the store lately and it's left me with two precious days off. I didn't do as much as I should have yesterday as far as housework goes, and now I have to do it all today. I like to have at least one day a week when I don't have to do anything at all, but if my apartment is messy I can't really relax. I've been putting off the laundry, cleaning the bathroom, and cleaning out the fridge. I hate those chores.

I got some new books from the library last night (I think I need to give up on Crime and Punishment). I got Good Bones by Margaret Atwood and The Promise by Pearl S. Buck. I thought The Promise was going to be the same story as the Mandarin movie that I wanted to see in the theatre, but now I'm not so sure. Either way, I started reading it and I wasn't crazy about the author's style of writing and I had a hard time focusing. I had to keep going back and re-reading parts because I didn't know what was going on.

I have to go do housework now!

1 comment:

dawna said...

i can relate. i too have a hard time relaxing if there's housework (especially dishes) to be done... generally, i'm okay with a little dirt as long as things are tidy and in their proper places.