Friday, June 16, 2006

Holy smokes. So we're moving to Edmonton in about 6 weeks. Scott found out yesterday and came to give me the news of his transfer at work. Needless to say, I was pretty excited. My mind is going crazy with all the stuff that needs to be done and I can't wait to get started on everything. I love arranging the movers, looking for apartments and buying plane tickets. The only part I don't look forward to is spending all the money and the packing. But even part of me is looking forward to that. I already have moving companies calling me to offer free quotes (I requested them, of course)and trying to get our business.

I don't know a lot yet. I think my last day of work will be July 19th and we'll move as close to July 31st as possible. I'll post more once I know more details. This is very exciting. Too bad we can't be there for Saturday night!

1 comment:

dawna said...

that's a tight schedule... but it sounds as though you're up for the challenge. congratulations and good luck!