Tuesday, May 08, 2007

How much longer?!

So it's two days before my due date and nothing yet. I've had some mild cramping every once in a while, but I have no idea if it means anything. I've been paying attention to every tiny, single thing my body is doing these days and I'm driving myself crazy. I've been going for walks and doing some housework, but sometimes I just feel lazy and I don't want to do anything.
I guess I could go into labour tomorrow, or I could be pregnant for another two weeks. I'm just hoping an induction isn't in store for me. Maybe later I'll walk to the store and buy some pineapple; I've heard there are some benefits to eating it. If nothing else, I love it so it would be a nice treat. I'm pretty sure the baby wants out, though, she's been moving a lot and even making me uncomfortable at times. I'm just hoping it's not too much longer.

1 comment:

dawna said...

thanks for keeping us so up to date, marlene! every time i see a post from you on my bloglines, i wonder if it's news of your baby girl's arrival. i hope and pray that all goes well for you and you get to meet your little one really soon.