Thursday, May 10, 2007

40 Week Update

Today is my due date and I just got back from the doctor's. I was expecting to hear that I've made all sorts of progress since last week because I've been having contractions that actually hurt and I'm much more uncomfortable compared to last week, but nothing. I've lost a couple pounds, my stomach is measuring the same size, and cervical change is nada. I go back again next Thursday and then we'll discuss induction. I don't want to be induced, but if I have to be I guess that's just life.


Aphra said...

Heh. Maybe you're going to need to update more frequently now, otherwise we'll think you are in labour! So like 40 weeks and x days, etc. :)
Hope you are doing well!

Marlene said...

I'm just about to go to bed on week 40 and 3 days and still nothing yet! Scott and I went for a walk this evening hoping it will help.