Saturday, September 16, 2006

Quick Update

It's been a pretty long time since I've blogged, but I've been tired when I get home from work. I basically cook supper, eat supper, and then clean up from supper. Sometimes a load of laundry is put in the wash, but I generally have been going to bed early.

I have to go to the daycare this afternoon to go through our supplies and see what we can spend some of our funding on. It doesn't sound like a fun way to spend a Saturday afternoon, but I'll be getting a free lunch.

We've been looking at options for cars lately because the transit system here is pretty inadequate and as the cold weather comes on (rather quickly, it seems) we don't want to be standing at a bus stop. Scott may go looking this afternoon while I'm out and then hopefully tomorrow I can go too. A car would make getting groceries so much easier.

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