Monday, July 09, 2007

Not Enough Hours...

I finally understand what people mean when they say there aren't enough hours in the day. Brianna is sleeping right now so I've got some time to update. Her schedule is a little challenging sometimes. She sleeps all morning and part of the afternoon and then she's up until 1 or 2 in the morning. Luckily for us we don't have any obligations so we can go along with the flow, but we tend to sleep until about 11am. Some nights she'll sleep for 6 hours at a time and then other nights, like last night, she'll sleep for 2 hour intervals. I'm feeling pretty tired today, but I'll try and get a nap in later.

Scott and I are having lots of fun together while he's off work. It's nice to have someone to get out with to day errands. We also have a nightly tradition of going for a walk in the neighbourhood when the rest of the world is sleeping.

We really wanted to visit Kingston this month, but now it turns out that it won't happen. We'll consider it again in December when Scott has holidays, but I wouldn't get your hopes up. Good news though, we've decided that we are going to move back there. It won't be for at least a year and we'll have to wait until Scott gets transferred, but it's our plan. Since having Brianna we decided that it would be nice to have family around. I'm really excited about going back to Next or Rustle too. There really doesn't seem to be any comparison anywhere else.


Aphra said...

Yay! Exciting news!

I hope she sleeps more for you too.

Rachel said...

Woohoo! We'll love having you back!

(I think you should come to next - but I guess I'm biased!)

Marlene said...

We'll see where I go. It may just end up depending on what part of town we live in. I'm really excited to go back and be with my family and friends.