Wednesday, November 15, 2006

My baby at 15 weeks

I don't have any new belly pics to post here because I'm really not showing much yet. I just had my second doctor's appointment today and it was really exciting because we heard the heartbeat. It's beating at around 150 beats per minute which is apparently in the normal range. It was so comforting and exciting to hear it since I haven't been growing very fast. I've only gained half a pound since my last appointment 4 weeks ago. But there really is a baby in there! He told me that since I'm tall I won't show as quickly as some other women and I'll always measure smaller.

I thought it was cute that the doctor found the heartbeat and then lost it because the baby moved away really fast.

1 comment:

Aphra said...

Hi Marlene,

I hope you all are doing well!
I've started a new blog in addition to my family blog. I think of it more as my therapy blog. , if you are interested.
Wishing you a happy Sunday as I heppily get back to my (boring) exams.