Sunday, March 16, 2008


So big news over in Edmonton; I'm pregnant again! I'm 10 1/2 weeks along and I'm feeling great. I haven't had any morning sickness and I'm not even that much more tired. Baby number 2 is due to arrive in early October.

This is another reason I'll be going back to the daycare...I can cash in on mat leave again! I'll only be there until either we move, or I have the baby.


Aphra said...

Wow! Many congratulations Marlene! Hope it all continues to go well.

Rachel said...

Congratulations! What exciting news! Sounds like another good reason to wean Brianna (Good luck with that, by the way! I hope it's going OK.)

Marlene said...

She's been more interested in solid foods again lately so it's been going better.

dawna said...

congratulations, marlene!! i remember how hard it was to nurse maya when i was pregnant with eliot... i hope you are able to wean her quickly and easily.