Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Bread Makers

Scott got me a bread maker for my birthday a few months a go and I just finally started to try using it. I've made white bread twice and raisin bread once. The first time I made white bread I used the wrong setting and the loaf came out dense and heavy. The second time, I followed the recipe to a tee and made sure I used the right setting, but the same thing happened. Then I made raisin bread yesterday and it rose really nicely and wasn't the least bit dense, but it rose so much that it opened the lid to the machine and stuck to the top. Why on earth is this happening, does anyone have any experience?

I've been doing a lot of domestic things since I've been home like cleaning, baking bread and making healthy home-cooked meals. I've really been enjoying having the luxury to do this kind of stuff. Yesterday I made lasagna and with my own sauce. I really think it's one of my best dishes so I enjoy making it. Scott likes it too, so that helps. He's kind of a picky eater sometimes so when he likes something I feel pretty accomplished.

The baby has been really active, which surprises me because most people say they quiet down around now since they don't have as much room. She seems to be quite comfortable to kick me in the ribs and push her fingers or her head up against some nerves in my pelvis. I have a doctor's a appointment tomorrow and I'll see if there are any changes that indicate that maybe I'll have her early. I feel ready, so hopefully she will soon too.


Rachel said...

I have no real advice about bread makers except to keep trying. I use mine a lot and the bread usually turns out quite well. Every so often I get a loaf that behaves in the ways you described or in some other way that's not quite right and I have no idea why. I do the same things every time.

I can't wait to hear news of your little one's arrival. It's getting close! Enjoy the luxury of being able to do all those domestic things. It won't be so easy once the baby arrives (although there will be other joys instead!)

Aphra said...

It took a while for me to get the hang of my breadmaker too. And each breadmaker is so different. My last one made great brown bread. This one I can't cooerce any of the brown bread variety out. I think you have to find out what the breadmaker LIKES to bake and go with that :)
One of my breadmakers had a trouble shooting guide in with it's recipes. Maybe you could check for that?