Wednesday, January 03, 2007

It's been a bit too long since I posted.

I've been kind of bad for posting, I guess.

Our Christmas was really nice this year. We had my cousin Chris here for dinner on the 24th and i cooked my very first turkey ever. I was very pleased that it turned out and it was neither dry nor poisonous. Scott and I had 4 relaxing days off together and then Scott went back to a very stressful workplace for three days and I went to work where there were very few kids and I only worked a maximum of 4 hours a day while still getting paid a full day.

On New Year's Eve we went to a friend's place and watched the hockey game and followed it up with some card games. It was nice, but I don't like staying up that late. My body is still trying to recuperate from the late night.

This week at work I'm seeing more co-workers who weren't around last week and I've been told that I've gotten quite a bit bigger since they last saw me. I'm glad that people can tell that I'm pregnant and not just getting a paunchy belly. I'll try and get a picture up in the next little while. I've been feeling the baby kicking more lately and she's putting some more muscle into her moves. I think that Scott will be able to feel them soon. I still have a day here or there where I don't feel much action, but I've heard and read that at this stage it's pretty normal for it not to be consistent. That's comforting to know.


Anonymous said...

Yes, I would say we are due for a photo.

Marlene said...

We just got a fancy new camera so we have to start using it more. We need a new memory card, though, because it only holds three pictures.