So here's my first belly shot. Ignore the mess behind me and the fact that I look terrible after a long day at work. At this point I feel like I'm having a girl even though Scott tells me it's silly to have a "feeling". He doesn't get women's intuition. Of course, I could be wrong. We don't care, though, as long it's healthy.
I've been feeling good for the past two days so I'm hoping that the morning sickness is going to be finished for good. It makes work a lot nicer when I'm not feeling sick all the time. Work's been fun actually, since I told them because another girl I work with is also pregnant and she's due a week before me. We get to bond over our bellies.
Pretty funny, I was just thinking of posting on your blog and asking you what sex you thought the baby was. I thought I was pregnant with a girl the whole time I was pregnant. Boy was I shocked when Myron said it was a boy. Here I was in major trauma from the c-section and then shock from the news. Though, just a few days before I had him, I remember talking to God and saying I really was o.k. with having a boy. And I do think it's great now!
It's funny that you convinced james was going to be a girl. After he was born I thought he was a girl for some reason (I don't know if I misheard, or what), but when I saw him I thought he looked like a boy so I was confused. That went on for a while. I figured it out eventually. LOL
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