Tuesday, May 02, 2006

My mom passed this website on to me to raise awareness about how bottled water companies are taking the water from poor communities, causing harm to the environment, and being socially irresponsible in general. I haven't done very much research on it yet, but what my mom told me about it makes me think. I drink bottled water exclusively because I don't like how my tap water tastes (and it turns my bath tub flourescent blue).


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Penn and Teller did a great show on bottled water a year or two ago for SHO. They bottled NYC water and sold it using a "water steward" to patrons at a fancy restaurant. How did something we pretty much get for free become something we spend so much time and energy thinking about. (I'm not including the people whose tap water is undrinkable - I've been there.) I did discover that my tap water is better than bottled as long as I keep it very cold. Have fun researching this topic.