Monday, April 10, 2006

Does anybody have any suggestions for good books about connecting with God. Maybe something specific to women. I've been feeling like a bad Christian lately and I feel like I need something that will refocus by spirit. I haven't been to church in weeks because I haven't felt motivated. The few churches I've ventured to here haven't really filled me up like I would have liked. There is one church in South Van that's not too bad, but I'm not crazy with how long they sing before they start the service. I end up going late so that I get there for the message instead of all the singing, but I feel rude doing that. It's also not that close so since I'm not motivated, it takes more for me to get there. I feel like I'm becoming materialistic and shallow because my priorities haven't been where they should be.

Could you send some prayers so that Scott and I could find a church that we both like and feel comfortable in? It would be really nice to connect with some people here.


Judith Limo said...
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Judith Limo said...

I would like to help but I live too far away from u.

Marlene said...

Thanks, Maria. Do you know any good books, though?

Aphra said...

I find anything by Max Lucado as a good pick me up for connecting with God.
I recently read 'The Body they may Kill' by Audrey Stallsmith that was a Christian murder mystery that was quite interesting.