Friday, December 23, 2005

Have a beautiful Christmas

I am so tired out! My work schedule at the store isn't as jam-packed as some people's schedules (like Scott's...poor guy), but I'm pooped none-the-less. This week has been full of frantic shoppers hurrying to get that last special gift (or in some cases, the first) and they've been making me frantic. I'm looking forward to when things calm down again.

With this being the final week before Christmas I saw a special on the news the other night for men who don't know what to get the women in their lives. I think it's a nice idea, but I'm happy that Scott knows me well enough to not listen to what they're advising. They said the number one thing on women's wishlists are expensive jewellery. That's the last thing on doesn't even make my list, actually. While I can look at jewellery and appreciate it's beauty, I certainly don't want or need Scott to spend oodles of dough on something so impracticle. If I'm to get jewelery I'd rather get something one of a kind and hand-made from a street vendor.

In the end though I guess it all comes down to it being the thought that counts and if a woman really loves beautiful saphires and diamonds and the man can afford them than by all means he should get them if he wants. I think sparkling jewels are gorgeous, but I'm happy with the imitations. I don't need to hear "Merry Christmas, Sweetie. We're broke".

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