Scott has complained about me not blogging anymore, but my reply was that I don't really have the time. Most of my free time is spent trying to get some cleaning done or have a shower before Brianna needs me. I don't know how all you moms out there with more than one do it. Brianna is sleeping now, though, so I have no excuse. She went to bed at 10:30 tonight and I hope it's for the night. Her sleeping schedule is slowly getting a little better. I've gotten her up a little earlier in the mornings and it's helped at night. She seems to be a bit of a night-owl.
Our summer has been busy with barbecues, seeing friends and lots of reading. We got rid of our cable for the summer and I've read more books in the last month than I usually read in a year. Scott and I have both been reading "The Earth's Children" series and I've been interested at different points in the story. Every once in a while the books get a little dull though, but eventually pick up again.
Last weekend we went to see Blue Rodeo for free at the folk festival by standing outside the fence. We could see and hear perfectly and we got to hear a bunch of other acts that were pretty good. Blue Rodeo is one of my favourite bands and I've seen them a bunch of times, but it wasn't their best show. They didn't interact much with the audience and they didn't play long. It may have something to do with them being the last act of the night and it being 3 degrees outside.