Be prepared for lots of pictures on here!
Monday, May 21, 2007
Brianna Elizabeth

We came home from the hospital today with our little girl Brianna. She weighed in at 7lbs, 9oz (you were right, Rachel!) and was born May 20th at 10:02am. I was in the hospital since Friday morning. It was a very long and difficult labour and I'll post the story a little later. She's doing great and we couldn't be happier.
Friday, May 18, 2007
41 Weeks and 1 Day
I couldn't believe it yetserday at the doctor's office. I'm not even half a centimetre, not mid-position, not even softer. Nothing! All that walking and all those false contractions (the ones that actually hurt) did nothing. He said the baby was lower, but I didn't get a station. I'm sure if she's dropped it wasn't much. He put me on a list for induction today, but I likely won't here from them until Tuesday. I had an ultrasound to see how the baby is doing and she seems to be doing quite well. She's estimated at 9lbs and 2oz already though(ouch!)! I guess I didn't miscalculate my dates, so that makes me feel good. It's too bad my body is only thinking about making her bigger and not about getting her out. I have 2 non-stress tests to go to at the hospital and then I'll get induced. I'm glad they're on the weekend. If I was going beyond Tuesday I'd have to go to have tests done during the week next week and getting there is difficult since Scott takes the car to work. It's a 10 minute drive, but an hour commute by bus including transferring. So I'm hoping and praying that they call me today so I can get this over with and she doesn't have a chance to get any bigger. But if they don't call me today I hope I go into labour naturally over the weekend. Also, I really hope that the cervidil gel is all they need to give me and I don't need my water broken or an oxytocin drip. I'm scared I'm going to have a difficult labour now and going natural is going to be harder. But I'm still determined!
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Hatching Babies
Yesterday I did a little more than I usually do on my average day. I went to visit my daycare to see my kids and it was so nice to see them. I can't believe how much they grow in so little time. I was happy to know that they haven't forgotten about me and they were really happy to see me and asked me questions about my baby and why she hasn't come out yet (I wish I had the answer for them). Some of them were even a little sad when I said I had to leave. It makes me look forward to visiting again later after the baby is born.
Scott got home pretty early yesterday so he went to the golf course and I tagged along to be his caddy. It would probably be more fun to actually play, but my tummy would get in the way of my swing. It's nice to spend time with Scott, but I usually get a little bored after about 9 holes. It's the same when I play. I'm much better on a mini-putt course.
This morning I got up a little earlier than usual and did some big cleaning in the kitchen. My lower back, around my hips, has been a little sore today, but I'm keeping busy anyway. I've already gone for my daily walk. It's a really nice day today. Now I'm running out of things to do again. Maybe after Scott gets home I'll try and get him to take me to the West Edmonton Mall for some mini-putt before he goes to the pitch-and-putt course. He has a membership there so it's his favourite thing to do. Mini-putt would be perfect for me though.
Scott got home pretty early yesterday so he went to the golf course and I tagged along to be his caddy. It would probably be more fun to actually play, but my tummy would get in the way of my swing. It's nice to spend time with Scott, but I usually get a little bored after about 9 holes. It's the same when I play. I'm much better on a mini-putt course.
This morning I got up a little earlier than usual and did some big cleaning in the kitchen. My lower back, around my hips, has been a little sore today, but I'm keeping busy anyway. I've already gone for my daily walk. It's a really nice day today. Now I'm running out of things to do again. Maybe after Scott gets home I'll try and get him to take me to the West Edmonton Mall for some mini-putt before he goes to the pitch-and-putt course. He has a membership there so it's his favourite thing to do. Mini-putt would be perfect for me though.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
5 Days Late...
I just woke up and I don't feel like I'm about to give birth, although I don't know if I'll get much warning on it. I guess I'll just keep puttering around here and going for walks. I thought I'd update since everyone has been curious.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
40 Week Update
Today is my due date and I just got back from the doctor's. I was expecting to hear that I've made all sorts of progress since last week because I've been having contractions that actually hurt and I'm much more uncomfortable compared to last week, but nothing. I've lost a couple pounds, my stomach is measuring the same size, and cervical change is nada. I go back again next Thursday and then we'll discuss induction. I don't want to be induced, but if I have to be I guess that's just life.
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
How much longer?!
So it's two days before my due date and nothing yet. I've had some mild cramping every once in a while, but I have no idea if it means anything. I've been paying attention to every tiny, single thing my body is doing these days and I'm driving myself crazy. I've been going for walks and doing some housework, but sometimes I just feel lazy and I don't want to do anything.
I guess I could go into labour tomorrow, or I could be pregnant for another two weeks. I'm just hoping an induction isn't in store for me. Maybe later I'll walk to the store and buy some pineapple; I've heard there are some benefits to eating it. If nothing else, I love it so it would be a nice treat. I'm pretty sure the baby wants out, though, she's been moving a lot and even making me uncomfortable at times. I'm just hoping it's not too much longer.
I guess I could go into labour tomorrow, or I could be pregnant for another two weeks. I'm just hoping an induction isn't in store for me. Maybe later I'll walk to the store and buy some pineapple; I've heard there are some benefits to eating it. If nothing else, I love it so it would be a nice treat. I'm pretty sure the baby wants out, though, she's been moving a lot and even making me uncomfortable at times. I'm just hoping it's not too much longer.
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Diapers and Update
I woke up to the sound of my door buzzing this morning and received my first bunch of cloth diapers. They brought me 35 diapers, a pail and their special deodorizer, some soaker cloths and two free plastic pants. I'm very excited to have my diapers. Now I just need a baby to put them on. When the baby is born they will bring me a full order of 70 diapers each week.
Yesterday I had my 39 week appointment and found that while things still seem good, there wasn't a lot of progress. The baby is still floating at -1 and my cervix is still closed, luckily it's starting to soften, though, so that's something. I'm hoping the rain will let up and I can go for a walk. Hopefully I can get the baby lower. As Scott reminded me, in my belly is the best place for our baby right now so I shouldn't get too impatient. It doesn't help my eagerness though.
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