This is Mishka. She was my cat from before I got married and was living alone in an old apartment in Kingston. As soon as Scott and I got back from our trip out West I went to the pet store in search of a female cat that I could name "Mishka" (I got the name from the movie "Don't Say a Word"..it was the girl's doll's name - the name means "mouse"). She was in the small cage with a little black male cat and she was obvioulsy older. She looked up at me with those green eyes and I instantly fell in love with her. Apparently another family had bought her and returned her..I took a little pity on her too.
Mishka is an odd cat. She doesn't really like strangers (except my brother, Travis; she jumped on his lapped and purred in bliss while he pet her the first time they met). The only people she'll allow to get near her usually are Scott or me. Sometimes she makes me smile because if she's sleeping peacefully beside me she'll suddenly start purring of contentment for no apparent reason...I think it's just because she's beside me. That's pretty nice. If I happen to be sad she comes and sits close to me to offer comfort.
Scott tends to make fun of her because she doesn't have the prettiest of meows. It sounds like she's saying "now"...which she probably is trying to say because she can be extremely demanding of attention. The tow male cats alsso like to bug her, but what she usually says to them is something I don't know how to spell...she growls and hisses though.
She's not all lovely though...she thinks it's ok to pee behind the toilet.It would be handy if I could train her to do it in the toilet.